
How Does The Blended Learning Approach Affect Student’s Performance?

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning is basically a method of education where pupils receive instruction through both traditional face-to-face instruction and electronic and internet media.

The online element of the training, unlike full-fledged eLearning, does not replace in-person instruction with a teacher; rather, teachers use technology to improve the learning experience and deepen their understanding of specific topics.

For instance, they might send out a link to a film and encourage students to have a look at it at home before sending a teacher a review and talking about it in class. For an activity where pair or small group of students have to practice conversations in a foreign language a blended approach would consist of Students using voice and text chat services online (e.g., Whatsapp).

We at one of the Top Ranked CBSE Schools in Greater Noida are looking forward to adopting new and advanced teaching and learning methods.

Why is Blended Approach Ideal?

  1. Safer Setting for Learning: We learned from 2020 that living in close quarters with many other individuals might be challenging. Additionally, it is agonizing to just see those persons on the television. The blended approach reduces the number of time students spends offline together while still allowing for live connections, which makes learning safer.
  2. Dynamic Educational Process: Reading theory can be difficult (if not boring). It’s one thing for students to sit through several hours of lectures. And it’s drastically different when kids study the same material by pressing buttons, taking part in dialogue simulations, playing games, etc. Blended learning offers several ways to make learning new information enjoyable.
  3. Greater Understanding: The “flipped classroom,” one of the most well-liked blended learning approaches, improves comprehension by allowing students to mug up all the theories and facts independently and at their own pace before putting them into practice in in-person sessions.
  4. Extensive analytics: In how long did the student complete the quiz? How many tries did they put in? Have they finished all the assigned work? Can you obtain the answers to these queries through classroom instruction? Most likely, yeah. But surely it will take a lot of time to gather all this data on every single student or employee. You won’t have to spend any time with blended learning because a management system, especially for learning, will take care of everything. Based on the student’s progress, you can determine a learner’s level of mastery of particular subjects, whether they are prepared to move on or need to review some content, and much more.
  5. Student’s autonomy: For learners, especially adults, the capacity to plan and manage a unique learning path is crucial. Students and employees engage in a variety of activities, learning is by no means their sole or even most significant one. People’s lives have various facets, including work, family, interests, and friends; learning shouldn’t get in the way. When using blended learning, students can access their courses whenever they want and have the time.

Our school understands the importance and necessity of adapting to new methods which are backed by strong scientific research and that is why we are the Best CBSE School in Greater Noida.

Models of Blended Learning.

  • Face-to-face driver model: The most similar to conventional classroom instruction is this paradigm.
  • Online Driver Model: This approach to learning is the antithesis of traditional classroom instruction because it only uses digital means of imparting knowledge.
  • Rotation Model: In this technique, students are divided into smaller groups and given a variety of tasks to do at various levels in turn.
  • Flipped classroom: Before class, students review new material at home, and in the class, time is spent actively learning and using the abilities they have just learned.
  • Flex model: Learners can switch between activities according to their needs.

Does It Really Work?

Every pupil learns differently. Although not extremely innovative, this idea is nonetheless significant. Early childhood education programs, like Sesame Street, are aware of this, according to the tech magazine PFSK, and are created in a way to appeal to learners who are auditory, visual, and kinetic alike.

Students’ learning preferences never change, so why do typical college classrooms struggle to hold everyone’s attention?

The main benefit of blended learning is that it makes a mostly transmissive teaching strategy—like a boring lecture by a professor—truly interactive. Does blended learning live up to its idealized concept on paper?

The American Department of Education’s 2010 meta-analysis suggests it does. The study found that students who had access to face-to-face instruction, as well as online tutoring and education, performed better than those who were only in one group.


Some of the first names that come to our mind when we discuss digitalization are companies like Amazon or Uber, where internet technology altered the market. These types of online services are closely related to the user’s offline experience at the same time.

The same goes for blended learning, which necessitates striking a careful balance between in-person instruction and online learning. Of all, there isn’t a single teaching strategy that works for everyone, and some methods and techniques are undoubtedly more successful than others.

If you are a parent and looking for some Top Ranked CBSE schools in Greater Noida then our school might be something you’ll find interesting as it is one of the Top International schools in Greater Noida.

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